Whether we are restoring, maintaining or working to make lighthouses more resilient, realizing the aim is a process. And to be sure, this process is an extended one. Such a […]
William Kourakos Receives ALF’s “Keeper of the Light” Award
The American Lighthouse Foundation honored William Kourakos as a recipient of the “Keeper of the Light” award during the organization’s annual Lighthouse Gala, which was held at the Nonantum Resort […]
The Handiwork of Restoration begins to Show at Wood Island
As is often the case, a restoration project, like the keeper’s house at Wood Island, must go through a phase of preparation that temporarily strips the structure of its familiar […]
Keeping Winter’s Icy Reach Out of Whaleback Light
The final lighthouse maintenance project of 2010 for the American Lighthouse Foundation and its chapters occurred, of all places, offshore at the wave-swept Whaleback Lighthouse. Determined to carry out a […]
Rockland Breakwater and Owls Head Lights Settle Down for Winter after a Beaming Summer
The winds of November were blowing strong and cold when volunteers from the Friends of Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse paid late season visits to Rockland Breakwater (Nov. 7) and Owls Head […]
ALF’s Cape Cod Chapter Keeps a Steady Watch at Race Point Light Station
There are times when lighthouse preservation efforts exhibit such consistency and success that we tend not to readily notice their uncommon dedication and steady achievements as time passes. As the […]