Some good things happened at Whaleback Lighthouse before the work season concluded this year. The Friends of Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouses (FPHL), a chapter of the American Lighthouse Foundation, was able […]
Two Men in Motor Boat Rescued by Whaleback Lightkeeper Amee
The following story appeared in the Sanford Tribune on July 28, 1911. The incident and subsequent rescue occurred on July 22, 1911, about a half-mile east of Whaleback Lighthouse on […]
The Goal of a Docking System at Whaleback Light Remains Front & Center
The American Lighthouse Foundation and its local chapter, Friends of Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouses, are determined to keep working towards obtaining funds for the repair of the two granite breakwaters and […]
Shining a Light on Whaleback at the Maine State House
The commitment to restore and preserve a lighthouse – and share it with the general public, is nothing short of a fascinating, but winding journey. For Maine’s Whaleback Lighthouse, the […]
Taking to the Air to Learn More about the Ledge at Whaleback Lighthouse
If there is one universal trait that shines brighter than any other in the lighthouse preservation field, it may very well be the ‘can do’ attitude that is exhibited by […]
Charting a Brighter Course for Whaleback Light’s Future
Maine’s Whaleback Lighthouse may stand alone on a wave-swept ledge at the entrance to the Piscataqua River, but this stout beacon has some good friends on land who are laying […]