Location: Rockland, Maine (View Map)
Coordinates: 44° 06′ 15″N 69° 04′ 39″W
Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse is located in Rockland Harbor at the end of a 7/8-mile long breakwater.
The Friends of Rockland Harbor Lights, a chapter of the American Lighthouse Foundation (ALF), cared for the preservation of this lighthouse through a lease agreement between the City of Rockland and ALF from 2000-2021.
Quick Lighthouse Facts:
- Year Built: 1902
- Height of Tower: 25 feet
- Description: White square tower on corner of fog-signal house, on granite pier. – 1939 U.S. Lighthouse Service Light List. The lighthouse shows a flashing white light every 5 seconds from a focal plane of 39 feet above sea level that is visible 17 nautical miles. The light station is equipped with a fog horn that sounds one blast every 15 seconds. – Reference: 2005 U.S. Coast Guard Light List
- Location: On south end of breakwater. – Reference: 1939 U.S. Lighthouse Service Light List
- Automated: 1965
- Status: Active aid to navigation maintained by the U.S. Coast Guard. The lighthouse is owned by the City of Rockland.
Following the construction of a granite breakwater measuring nearly a mile in length between 1881 and 1899, a lighthouse was established in 1902 to mark the safe harbor afforded by the massive stone wall. The construction of the light station consisted of a wood and brick keeper’s dwelling and an engine room being attached to a 25-foot brick tower. When completed, the lighthouse was outfitted with a fourth order Fresnel lens.
The City of Rockland applied for ownership of the lighthouse in 1998 under the Maine Lights program. The American Lighthouse Foundation and its chapter – the Friends of Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse, signed a lease with the City of Rockland from 2000-2021 caring for the historic beacon for 20 years.
Lighthouse is accessible.
Located at the end of the 7/8-mile breakwater.