Diane and Wade Barstow at Race Point Lighthouse
(Cape Cod Chapter of ALF photo)
Diane and Wade Barstow of ALF’s Cape Cod Chapter were presented with Len Hadley Volunteerism awards during the American Lighthouse Foundation’s annual Lighthouse Gala, which was held at the Nonantum Resort in Kennebunkport, Maine, on May 7, 2017.
Wade and Diane Barstow have been long time veteran overnight stay keepers at Race Point Light Station. They are the standard of excellence that the Cape Cod Chapter of the American Lighthouse Foundation points to for the new keepers each year. This dedicated couple has also served in a leadership capacity on the Cape Cod Chapter Executive Committee for several years and their viewpoints are always thoughtful and constructive.

(L to R) ALF President Jeremy D’Entremont presents Cape Cod Chapter chairman Gary Childs with Diane & Wade Barstow’s volunteer awards.
(Photo by Dominic Trapani)
Wade is always ready to help with general maintenance projects big or small, and Diane is the chapter’s local treasurer. In addition, they were a vital part of the team that coordinated Race Point Light’s 200th Anniversary event in November 2016. We are proud to honor Wade and Diane Barstow with ALF’s Len Hadley Volunteerism Award!
Janice Hewins says
Congratulations Wade & Diane — recognition for all your hard work is deserved! Nice photo!
James Kalbaugh says
Congratulations! Well Deserved!
Marci Martin says