The American Lighthouse Foundation presented Bob Kline, Friends of Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, with the “President’s Award” during the organization’s annual Lighthouse Gala, which was held at the Nonantum Resort in Kennebunkport on May 15, 2016.
ALF’s “President’s Award” honors those individuals who have demonstrated an exemplary commitment to the organization’s historic lighthouse preservation mission.
When it comes to the operations and care of Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, it’s fair to say volunteer Bob Kline has seen it all – from countless thousands of visitors and a wide range of maintenance projects to overseeing weddings and even a music video filmed on location by country music star Blake Shelton.
For all of Bob’s contributions to the Friends of Pemaquid Point Lighthouse (FPPL) since its founding as an ALF chapter in the early 2003, it is the quiet and unassuming way he goes about his duties that is most amazing.
As FPPL President Marty Welt says, “Bob is always looking after the lighthouse. If he finds a window has been left open or a door left unlocked, he takes care of the situation – because he cared enough to drop by and make sure things are as they should be.”
In fact, Bob accomplishes many of his efforts without fanfare – slipping in and out tacitly as a volunteer at the lighthouse – preferring to let his actions do the talking.
In addition to serving as a docent at the lighthouse, Bob is also FPPL’s vice-president and is the local go-to volunteer interface with the Town of Bristol and plethora of special requests that come in to the chapter.
Bob plans and oversees all annual maintenance projects at the lighthouse and is intricately involved in the professional restoration projects that have occurred over the years with ALF, including the 2007 exterior restoration, 2010 interior restoration and the 2015 lantern rehabilitation work.
In years past, Bob has also hosted volunteer recognition events for the chapter at his home, and is considered FPPL’s unofficial “goodwill ambassador.” For his longstanding dedication and contributions to the Friends of Pemaquid Point Lighthouse, the American Lighthouse Foundation is proud to present Bob Kline with the organization’s President’s Award!