Jim and Hilari Seery of the New England Lighthouse Lovers, a chapter of the American Lighthouse Foundation, were each honored with a “Len Hadley Volunteer Award” during ALF’s annual Lighthouse Gala, which was held at the Nonantum Resort in Kennebunkport, Maine, on April 29, 2018.
Jim and Hilari Seery are longtime members of the New England Lighthouse Lovers, having joined NELL’s efforts on April 2, 2004. At that time they lived in New Rochelle, NY, but were very active in supporting NELL and attending chapter meetings and events. Jim and Hilari now reside in Concord, NC, and even though they are an additional 625 miles away, they remain involved with NELL happenings.
Hilari is the editor of NELL Chapter Chatter, a monthly publication filled with news about upcoming events, lighthouse news, birthdays and anniversary celebrations, welcoming new members and personal stories by NELL members. Hilari also has planned and coordinated the upcoming 2018 Spring meeting/trip for NELL in Rockland & Port Clyde, Maine. It is great to have such dedicated members part of our lighthouse efforts and NELL is proud to honor Jim and Hilari with a 2018 “Len Hadley Volunteer Award!”