Jean Zunda is a standout volunteer for the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse (Photo by Bob Trapani, Jr)
Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse volunteer Jean Zunda was nominated for a 2013 ALF Len Hadley Volunteerism award as part of the American Lighthouse Foundation’s annual Lighthouse Gala, which was held at the Sheraton Portsmouth Harborside Hotel on May 4, 2013. FPRL members Carlene Joiner and Don Doucette accepted the award on Jean’s behalf, who was unable to attend the event.
The Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse proudly nominate Jean Zunda as our chapter’s volunteer of the year and an individual worthy of the Len Hadley Volunteerism Award from the American Lighthouse Foundation.
Jean has been a member of the American Lighthouse Foundation since 1994. She has also been a member of New England Lighthouse Lovers since 2001. She joined the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse in 2005, just a few months after our chapter’s founding, bringing with her the knowledge she had of other lighthouse efforts within the American Lighthouse Foundation.
Being an active member of FPRL, Jean has served as a member of the Events Committee since it was formed in 2007, as well as the Membership Chairman since 2011, and is now serving as a member of the board in the capacity of secretary.

(L to R) ALF President Eric Davis, FPRL member Carlene Joiner and FPRL member Don Doucette. Carlene and Don accepted the award on Jean Zunda's behalf. (Photo by Ann-Marie Trapani)
Jean is a dedicated volunteers at FPRL events, including: Boat Safety Days, Memorial Day Parades, Pomham Santa, the FPRL Clam Bake & Chowder Fund Raiser, and the East Providence Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Touch-A-Truck event, to name a few.
She has had an active life in the world of music since high school and is presently the principal oboe in two orchestras, one in Newport and one in Warwick. Jean is not able to be with us due to the fact that she is performing at a concert Newport this evening.
Nonetheless, we honor Jean Zunda as the Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse’s 2013 ALF Len Hadley Volunteerism Award recipient.

Thanks to dedicated volunteers like Jean Zunda, the present and future of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse in Rhode Island shines bright (Photo by Ron Foster)