It peers over you as you drift by on the Kennebec River. Located about two miles upstream from the river’s mouth, it has stood prominently alongside a small light tower […]
Public Enjoys Coast Guard Exhibit during 2013 Lighthouse Challenge
The annual Midcoast Maine Lighthouse Challenge offers the general public a fun-learning way to experience the lights up close and personal by having the opportunity to climb to the top […]
Owls Head Light “Shines” for Visitors on Opening Day
Opening day at Owls Head Lighthouse on May 25, 2013 came with fog draped over West Penobscot Bay and a northeast wind, gusting over 25-knots, carrying upon its shoulders a […]
Prepping the Keeper’s House at Owls Head Light Station
With the anticipation of moving its headquarters to the keeper’s house at Maine’s Owls Head Light Station by mid-March 2013, the American Lighthouse Foundation is busy working to prepare the […]
ALF to open the Keeper’s House at Owls Head Light
The American Lighthouse Foundation is pleased to announce the newest addition to the list of historic lighthouse properties that the organization cares for – the keeper’s house at Maine’s Owls […]