The 11th Annual Midcoast Maine Lighthouse Challenge will take place on June 23rd and 24th and we are inviting you to join us in raising $5000 for local lighthouse preservation!
The Midcoast Lighthouse Challenge attracts over 3,500 participants who not only visit our beautiful lighthouses, but also eat, shop and stay at our local businesses. This two-day event has grown to include the opportunity to climb the Midcoast area’s seven easily-accessed lighthouses (Pemaquid Point, Marshall Point, Owls Head, Rockland Breakwater, Grindle Point, Fort Point and Dyce Head), a Friday evening lighthouse cruise and many other of the area’s maritime-related sites.
As a sponsor of the 2018 Midcoast Maine Lighthouse Challenge you are supporting local lighthouse preservation and public access programs right here in the Maine!
Thank you in advance for your support of this popular event and our local lighthouse preservation efforts! If you have any questions or would like to submit your sponsorship via phone please contact Ann-Marie at 207-594-4174 or email
Submit Your Sponsorship:
More Information:
Booklet Sponsor ($25, $50, $100)- Your business name (and logo if applicable) will be listed as a sponsor inside the collectable 30-plus page commemorative booklet each participant receives when registering for the challenge. This booklet contains a picture, description of and directions to each lighthouse site as well as other valuable information.
Lighthouse Site Sponsor ($350)- Your business name and logo will be displayed on a 12’”x18” sign at the sponsored lighthouse site during the two-day event. Your business name and logo will also be listed as a site sponsor inside the collectable 30-plus page commemorative booklet each participant receives when registering for the challenge.
Cruise Sponsor ($500)- Your business name and logo will be displayed on the event sign during the cruise. Your business name and logo will also be listed as a cruise sponsor inside the collectable 30-plus page commemorative booklet each participant receives when registering for the challenge. You will also receive two complimentary tickets so that you may join us for the Friday evening sunset cruise.
Lead Sponsor ($1000)- Help us make this event a huge success! Your business name and logo will be displayed on a 12’”x18” sign each lighthouse site during the two-day event. Your business name and logo will also be listed as the lead sponsor inside the collectable 30-plus page commemorative booklet each participant receives when registering for the challenge. You will also receive two complimentary tickets so that you may join us for the special Friday evening sunset cruise.