ALF’s 2018 annual Lighthouse Gala was held at the Nonantum Resort in Kennebunkport, Maine.
(Photo by Dominic Trapani)
There is no finer way to kick-off a new season of lighthouse restoration and education efforts than by gathering to celebrate successes of the past year, while honoring some very dedicated volunteers and preservationists.
On April 29, 2018, the American Lighthouse Foundation did just that during the organization’s annual Lighthouse Gala, which was held at the Nonantum Resort in Kennebunkport, Maine.
In addition to recognizing a number of special individuals for their passion and dedication to lighthouses, the event also provided a big dose of inspiration as it relates to what preservationists can accomplished through a “can do” spirit. As gala attendees saw and heard, the sky is the limit!

(L to R) ALF Executive Director Bob Trapani, Jr., Gala keynote speaker and keeper of Boston Light – Sally Snowman, and ALF President Jeremy D’Entremont.
(Photo by Dominic Trapani)
This year’s keynote speaker was Sally Snowman, Ph.D., the 70th keeper of Boston Light in Massachusetts. Sally’s fascinating presentation highlighted the light station’s 302-year history, while providing glimpses of island life for bygone lighthouse keepers. She also talked about what 21st century lightkeeping entails today.
In the wake of the gala’s cocktail hour, silent auction and delicious dinner, American Lighthouse Foundation board members and staff shared with those in attendance wide ranging accounts of stellar volunteerism. In all, twelve ALF “Len Hadley Volunteer Awards” were presented to the special honorees.
2108 “Len Hadley Volunteer Award” Recipients:
Cape Cod Chapter – Ron Hewins
Friends of Little River Lighthouse – Lemieux Family
Friends of Pemaquid Point Lighthouse – FPPL Volunteer Crew
Friends of Pomham Rocks Lighthouse – Dennis Tardiff
Friends of Portsmouth Harbor Lighthouses – Sharon White & Bob Zimman
Friends of Rockland Harbor Lights – Amy Faunce, Linda Strout & Craig Mathieson
Friends of Wood Island Lighthouse – Carl Gatto
New England Lighthouse Lovers – Jim & Hilari Seery
The American Lighthouse Foundation also presented three “Keeper of the Light” awards during the gala. The award honors those individuals in the national lighthouse community who have contributed in a significant manner to the preservation of America’s lighthouses and their rich heritage.
2018 “Keeper of the Light” Award Recipients:
Nick Korstad – Borden Flats Lighthouse
Lynn and Dave Waller – Graves Lighthouse
Sally Snowman – Boston Lighthouse
The American Lighthouse Foundation wishes to congratulate all of the 2018 “Len Hadley Volunteer Award” and “Keeper of the Light” recipients on a job well done! ALF also wishes to thank the organization’s entire team of volunteers, members and supporters for their ongoing support of our organization’s mission. It takes a great TEAM to save and preserve lighthouses…and a great TEAM we have. Keep the lights shining!