Location: Prospect Harbor, Maine (View Map)
Coordinates: 44° 24′ 12″N 68° 00′ 47″W
Prospect Harbor Lighthouse…
Quick Lighthouse Facts:
- Year Built: 1891
- Height of Tower: 38 feet
- Description: White conical tower showing a flashing red light (with two white sectors) every 6 seconds from a focal plane of 42 feet above sea level. The red light is visible 7 nautical miles and the white sectors 9 nautical miles. – Reference: 2005 U.S. Coast Guard Light List
- Location: On east side of entrance to inner harbor. – Reference: 1939 U.S. Lighthouse Service Light List
- Automated: 1934
- Status: Active aid to navigation owned the U.S. Coast Guard and licensed to the American Lighthouse Foundation
Preservation Status:
No Public Access…best viewed from across the harbor.
News Links:
Prospect Harbor Lighthouse – News Archives (11/23/2010)