The 2018 Lighthouse Gala…our annual afternoon celebration is once again being held in the ballroom of the beautiful Nonantum Resort (95 Ocean Ave)in historic Kennebunkport!
Our Keynote Speaker this year will be Sally Snowman, Ph.D., the 70th keeper of Boston Light. Boston Light has been lighting the way for safe navigation into Boston since 1716 and continues this mission today.
It is the last manned Coast Guard Light Station in the country located on Little Brewster Island at the entrance to Boston Harbor.Attendees will enjoy Sally’s fascinating presentation comprised of vintage and modern imagery chronicling 302 years of service, including glimpses of island living from bygone days, as well as lighthouse keeping in the 21st century. She and her husband, Jay Thomson, have co-authored two books: Boston Light – A historical perspective and Boston Light – Arcadia Images of America as well as a children’s book – Sammy the Boston Lighthouse Dog.
Award Presentations, including the ALF Len Hadley Volunteerism Awards.
The Nonantum prepares a delicious dinner that will feature your choice of: Prime Rib Roast au Jus, Chicken Florentine or Baked New England Haddock, salad, dessert, coffee & tea. Cash Bar.
Don’t miss the Silent Auction selection which will include: lighthouse overnights, nautical theme prints, gift baskets, collectibles and more!
Limited tickets available by phone, please call ALF at (207) 594-4174
Nonantum Resort
PH: 888-205-1555 or
Special Group Rate: $119.00/ night
Mention American Lighthouse Foundation Event